Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fucking Fuck

I know that my title to my blog today is something pretty rich and hearty in the ways of grammar and higher knowledge, but I am so fucking tired of trying to get a job, but not only trying to get a job, I'm tired of those god damn mission statements and the futtin shit you have to put up with when you do get a job. "Here at cunt-mart you have to be a Team-Player! You need to instill our values to the customer to insure their happy slappy mother fuckin great time in our store!" "Now for some words from an "actual worker" here, Allison Bitchface(payed actor((actual name))). "Hi, I'm Allison Bitchface and I'm going to tell you how it is working here! There is a friendly invironment with many motivated workers. We all do our jobs stocking up the cunts on the shelves and sticking the shiny dildo of hard work in our asses. All of us enjoy working here, and our outfits are so comfy! :) :) :)!!!!" Now then, let's hear from an actual worker, "I'm larry, I've been working here for 14 years and I just now got a fifty cent raise. I can finally afford two forties from my favorite liquor store and some crack from behind my favorite liquor store. I've been divorced five times and I have been in the same dead ass end job for all five." Ok, so MAYBE I'm being a pessimist when I say that all jobs are like this, but I really don't think so. Which brings me to my next point, why in the HELL would you join the national forces?! Now your boss yells at you ten times louder and he has a fucking gun! Ok, so that's not really my "next" point per say, but I'm just ranting anyways. All of the jobs I've ever had, I've never ever wanted to work any harder than I had to. You know why? It's so fuckin hard to be self-motivated when your job entails sitting, standing, or any other position, pittering. Just pittering. I'm good at music, but musicians don't get paid money, Marines do.

Ok so I thought that would be a good last line, but it just made me want to rant even more. Ok so even though it's a pretty noble thing to die for our country, it's just a stupid ass idea. I would die for a better cuntry(yes) maybe. I would never die for this gun totin', god worshipping, piece of shit nation. I would die for Yemen or Oman over this country, and I don't know anything about them. Whatever, Fuck it.

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